Sunday, November 23, 2008

Little of this, Little of that...

The kids loved making rolls with grandma. They were so proud of them. Gunner kept saying "I am a chef Grandpa." They also didn't mind being the taste testers. We also made "Pluckin' Bread" that night.

Rock Band with Heather, Jeff, Brooke and Jason. Notice Jim and Jason thinking that they are rockstars! Thanks for always making your house so much fun Heather and Jeff!

Josh and Kyra's wedding Nov 10th. Who would have ever guessed that this day would actually come?!

Wendi and Jim just being lazy on a Sunday night.

Gingerbread Men

I love this time of year. All I want to do is bake. I have never made gingerbread from scratch so tonight I figured what the heck. I still don't know that I actually like the taste of it but I do love frosting and decorating them. Syd and Chad came over on

Sunday and we baked and then decorated gingerbread men. We had such a great time. Syd, at one point decided to practically dump the whole can of sprinkles on one of the poor stars.

Boeing got VERY bored...that is until we decided to give him a red hot candy!

Our next project will be to make some gingerbread houses. Jim and I are hoping to make a little contest out of it. Maybe have a few couples over, play some Christmas music and let the good times roll!

Sometimes I wonder about them...Do you think that if we keep hanging out with Syd and Chad that we will end up having the same issues?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!!

On Sunday night, Syd and Chad came over and we carved pumpkins.  It is messing, time consuming and well worth it.  We had such a good time.  After that we wanted to download the pictures from Syd's camera to mine but it wouldn't work so we just played on the Photo Booth for awhile.  All I can say is that we were laughing so hard that we were "wheezing!"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Chan Update

Ok, We got some REALLY great news today.  They had to do another spinal tap and ct scan yesterday.  They said that they can not find one cancer cell in all of Chandler's body!!  AMAZING!  I filled with so much joy right now.  They said that this isn't something that was expected but that it is also not unlikely.  The doc said that the chemo doesn't normally work this quickly.  We all know why this worked so fast; prayer, fasting, priesthood blessings.  This is one of those times that all you can do is drop to your knees and thank our Heavenly Father for all of the blessings in our lives.  Thank you for all of the prayers and love!  Chan still has to finish 2 more rounds of chemo because the cancer cells can be microscopic but at the same time, such a huge sadness has been lifted from our family.  He is feeling pretty sick right now, but it is worth the end result.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New Update on Chandler

Things are going better than we could have ever thought.  He is a little tired, a little moody, a little sore and a  little sick.  All of that being said he is still doing very well.  He lost his first "clump" of hair last week.  I thought that he would be a little more upset about it, but it just happened to be the day that Bret Ratliff from the New York Jets and U of U came to visit him at football practice.  Somehow, Brett found out about Chandler and when U of U played Oregon last week he came to visit Chandler and also gave him a New York Jets football, signed by the whole team.  Even Brett Favre!  He was thrilled.  They even did another news shot on Fox 13.  They have been very good to him!  Ryan, my brother, also got a call saying that someone wanted to open an account for Chandler to help with the medical expenses.  Right now all I have to say is "People are amazing!"  Thursday is when Chandler goes back into the hospital for his 3rd chemo treatment.  In the beginning they were hoping to only have to do 5 treatments so that means that we are half way there.  AMAZING!  They said theselast treatments are going to be the worst on him so I will for sure keep everyone posted.  Thank you for all of the love and prayers!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Life is an Interesting Thing....

Life is very weird for us right now.  Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt like things were going really great and then all of a sudden..... BAM!  Something comes along and helps you remember that you are not in charge of this life whatsoever.  We found out on Friday that my nephew has cancer.  He is 10 years old how does that even happen?!?  Life had been going very well for Jim and I.  Jim just got promoted to a branch manager at work and my job isn't going too shabby either and then this comes along.  My mind has just been running in a million different directions.  My family is still just trying to wrap our head around this.  Today they meet with the oncologist to go over the "game plan," whatever that may be.  It is extremely difficult to watch him and not feel just completely helpless.  I know that Heavenly Father knows what is going on and that he will be there to help us all through this time, especially my nephew.  I will keep everyone posted and PLEASE keep him in your prayers. 

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wendi's new bike

Here is a picture of Wendi's new bike!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Space Shuttle Launch

Here is a video of the space shuttle launch.

Sunny Orlando, Florida

In March we decided to go to Orlando for Spring Training for the Atlanta Braves. We had a blast. There is nothing like a little baseball, mixed with a little rain and tornado watches, with a lot of roller coasters and a space shuttle launch to top it all off.
The first night we were there, we went to a Pirate dinner show.  We were all really excited for it.  It ended up being ok.  We were all really tired from our red eye flight that morning.  The next couple of days were filled with baseball and visiting with Aunt Lynn and Uncle Glenn.  We went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.  We also went to an AMAZING show called Cirque Du Soleil.  If you ever have a chance to see this show, do it!  
One of coolest things that happened was that we were able to see the space shuttle, Endeavor, launch.  When I say "we" I mean everyone except for me.  I got food poisoning that night and every time I got up to move, it all started again.  I had to sit in the rental van the whole time.  I have to say, I did see a rather large flash of light though.  It was a great trip to get away from the cold weather of Utah and enjoy some much needed r & r.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Ok. So I have been asked by a ton of people why I don't have a blog.  So I am finally starting one.  You would think that I would have already had one because I am obsessed with the internet but hey there is no time like the present.  But I will for sure need some help on what topics to blog about.  So I will add some stuff soon and also put in some pictures too.