Monday, September 8, 2008

Life is an Interesting Thing....

Life is very weird for us right now.  Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt like things were going really great and then all of a sudden..... BAM!  Something comes along and helps you remember that you are not in charge of this life whatsoever.  We found out on Friday that my nephew has cancer.  He is 10 years old how does that even happen?!?  Life had been going very well for Jim and I.  Jim just got promoted to a branch manager at work and my job isn't going too shabby either and then this comes along.  My mind has just been running in a million different directions.  My family is still just trying to wrap our head around this.  Today they meet with the oncologist to go over the "game plan," whatever that may be.  It is extremely difficult to watch him and not feel just completely helpless.  I know that Heavenly Father knows what is going on and that he will be there to help us all through this time, especially my nephew.  I will keep everyone posted and PLEASE keep him in your prayers. 


Beck said...

That is scary. Do you know what stage of Cancer he is at? I hate the waiting game trying to get all the results back.

Isaac just had a similar scare. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer a month ago. He is at stage 2 and had the malignant tumor removed so everything is looking amazing. Thankfully! I hope all goes well for your nephew.

Kristine said...

Any updates? How is he doing?